Monday, October 26, 2009

Web Video Pick of the Week, "The Spark Series: Part 1, The New Dial Tone"

According to Trust Agents author Chris Brogan, “Social media… is the new dial tone,” a concept that is the subject and title of a new short documentary by Marc Ostrick, CEO and Co-founder of eGuiders and Michael Sean Wright, founder of nicefishfilms. The video, which documents their day at the Blog World Expo and the conversations with noted bloggers and reporters who describe the growing shift in media production and consumption through social media networks. This is the first in their Spark Series which explores the documentary style of filmmaking using consumer grade new media tools.

By shooting with Kodak Zi8 and Flip Ultra HD cameras they wanted to see how far they could push the limits of the technology by bringing a filmmaking sensibility to amateur event coverage video. They also used a few other accessories to increase the production value, like a Sennheiser ME 66 shotgun microphone and a Frezzi Micro-fill light, all of which all could fit into a bag. The soundtrack of the video was composed in Garageband.

The video discusses how the disrupters are becoming mainstream and as eGuider Brian Rothe says:
"The new dial tone is a dialog among media producers, technologists and bloggers who are looking to express their ideas in the stream of the real-time web."

Appearances in the new dial tone include:

Robert Scoble - Tech Blogger, @scobleizer
Don Lemon - CNN Anchor, @donlemoncnn
Hugh Hewitt - National Talk Radio Host, @hughhewit
Leo Laporte - Chief Twit, @leolaporte
Chris Brogan - Author, @chrisbrogan
Chris Morrow - CNN iReporter, @morrowchris
Ben Parr - Co-Editor, Mashable, @benparr

The next Spark Series will focus on Jeff Pulver's 140 Character Conference that will be taking place the next two days on October 27 and 28 in Los Angeles.

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